The Feds by Dana Edwards a winner under social work stories on Wattpad

On a trip to the District of Columbia in the year 1992 my Jewish peace temple class all aged 11 and 12 were given their itinerary: White House, Holocaust Museum, Zoo, FBI and Treasury. 

The White House tour consisted of a showing of china plates. The Holocaust museum featured shoes of dead Jews, a road made out of Jewish tombstones and videos of children in eugenics experiments turned mutant. The treasury walked us through the dollar printing press, and the FBI said they investigate bad guys and the privacy of Americans.   They showed us hallways and offices.  The feature at the zoo was apes and a panda from China feeding. I took a nap on a bench alone and told the teacher I wasn't feeling up to the whole zoo. 

Continue reading for free on my watt pad listed under a top for Social Work in the USA 


Before becoming an artist Dana Edwards received many theater national reviews in featured and leading roles in the American Theater. She has her MSW honors on paranormal, occult and alien phenom with spiritual competency applications to the DSM in hospital. She was raised in a Jewish peace temple and the Met Opera. She has a pod on the masons, Jews, Ai, and psychoanalytics. More of her art like the painting below can be found on






and some were recently animated on




THE TEMPLE'S WINE by Dana Edwards 


Growing up in an American Jewish Peace Temple with post drug revolution era kids in the 1980s, we were taught that America beat all chemical, biological and technology wars with world war 2 and the defeat of the German National Socialist Party. All drugs had been legalized and researched already and all technologies were regulated by a higher mind than a hell design. No human could be stolen from medical or the law for disease or chemical agendas ever again and privacy/autonomy, freedom of thought laws  were for everyone with no exception. Any lower arguments were for a third world nation or a reversion back to the Nazi Holocaust.

As a reformed German Jew, I was taught I am not a hell to be used for mind control, experiment or any agenda below a head spell of a higher dimension. Unlike the Christians we were taught from the temple star bima that the Jews do not believe in hell but only heaven and that we were chosen. On my pod I discuss many topical issues related to Jews, artificial intelligence, conspiracy, the paranormal, creativity, drugs, world war 2, American intelligence communities and secret societies. The Jews were taught that alcohol is for religious and personal use and drugs are for the advancement and well being of the human race. All episodes are free and available on anchor and most popular pod streamers in the USA.


Kindergarten is German for Children's Garden and in 1985 in a Jewish Peace Temple Kindergarten, our teacher Judy Burger took us to Strawberry Fields. I had been singing Beatles tunes since nursery school and we were all born in Manhattan the year Lennon was murdered. Our first temple story from the Rabbi was The Garden of Eden.

By first grade I was the only student chosen to be a member of the Metropolitan Opera Children's chorus with just 100 kids cast as regular members. I stayed with them through my graduation of peace temple. The sets were designed by some of the greatest artists of Hollywood and the American theater. Stories of angels, devils, demons, fairies and humans filled the sets consistently.  My first opera was Wagner and I was cast as a devil child with horns transformed into a white light child without horns.

After my time with the Metropolitan Opera and featuring in their art work, film and radio, mom got a job running their art gallery which represented world famous artists depicting operas.

ALIEN CROPS  by Dana Edwards 

Post peace Temple graduation and playing a devil skull child turned into white light being in Hitler's favorite opera composer's opera along with many other operas, I was accepted into America's oldest preparatory school, Columbia Grammar and Prep School with only a few students in each year on a tremendous financial aid package. Dana Scully was the most popular science fiction character on American Television in the X files about aliens, the paranormal and the presidential intelligence community. I was the most popular female student in middle school at America's oldest prep school.

In my 20s while living with a man who worked for the American president with no debriefings had by the intelligence community, a woman who looked like the tv character Dana Scully, worked for the US Senate and a top military airline company post 911 terror asked us to cat sit for her while she was on vacation.

Dad flew planes in Vietnam and helped build the twin towers. When I was little he once said maybe aliens from the future are watching us right now and we are a history file in their vr movie. The world trade center or twin towers are also the symbol of the pause sign used by Hollywood on all American, VR devices. Roswell was the most popular alien television show over 911 terror and months before the hit, they aired a pentagon alien tracker in front of the twin towers on the show.


THE TWIN TOWERS by Dana Edwards

I played Nintendo years before 911 in a private art gallery owned by the Cantors of Cantor Fitzgerald. They had been living down the hall in a little apartment part time and invited me to apartment sit as a child while they were away on vacation. Dad who helped build the towers played me his military air radio during these years which still received transmissions in our apartment in NYC.

Cantor is the name of the temple choir leader and singer of songs for service. I was singing with a cantor in peace temple. Atta, one of the plane assassins is a word the cantor sings in Hebrew prayer weekly. Cantor Fitzgerald was a Jewish financial company. 

The daughter in law of the company had become wheel chair bound due to a neurological condition before the terrorist attack and moved down the way from my sleep away camp in Massachusetts which she explained to mom via telephone in the 1990s.

Dad worked modeling the W hotel on 911. Mom and I had walked in front of the twin towers a day plus a few hours before the hit. A cousin who worked in the building had her ATM eat her card on that day and was late to find the building hit by an airliner. 

Months later I started living with a man who worked in economics for the government and then for that president known as W. I never mentioned my relation to the Cantors as a child.

Much of my art is made on virtual reality platforms more advanced than the original Nintendo. Before I started making art, I used an old cell phone and television receiver and shook my phone at the TV, taking several photos. One screen grab was of an alien not on the intended transmission with a black heart. I converted the transmission to primary colors and received a green alien also with a black heart and black shadow beneath the green alien skull. News was then released by the military aeronautics company I had house sat in DC for the Dana Scully look alike, and the director of their research said he had made contact with what he believed to be an alien race. Months earlier the FBI refused to investigate a hack and said no alien transmissions to me and my Jewish mother. A clip of the alien photo from the tv transmission    and a photo of me copy/cloned virtually in a VR. When mom was little, her father who fought in world war 2 opened a photography shop near the world trade center location called Meta Photo.

The Cantor sings Hatikva in temple, the Israeli national anthem with translation of lyrics as "only with heart, can Jews be free". The Jews were originally a slave race to the Egyptians whose magic pyramid appears on the dollar bill. The Egyptians believed in using body organs as teleports to other dimensions. 



THE GREEN WITCH by Dana Edwards 

Growing up in the temple and opera, my two favorite Hollywood musicals were The Sound of Music about a musical family escaping the Nazis and The Wizard Of Oz about a magical reality inside a woman's head trauma which was written by  a German man named Baum and aired originally during the German Holocaust on American television and movie theaters.

The green witch is the evil witch in the Wizard of Oz who tries to steal all the magic from the young woman from Kansas wandering through a changing magic landscape in Oz. She believes the witch's sister from Kansas was also a witch and cursed her and her dog before the head trauma. On my pod I have an episode on the Wizard of Oz, holo casting, the holocaust, psychotic disorders, hospitals in the USA and VR gaming. Green plant witches are allowed citizenship in the USA. Recently the government did a study on the magic plant extract, DMT and the prophecies of the Jewish people. I also have an episode on DMT research. 

After 911 terror, Hollywood released the TV show OZ about the prison system in the USA. It is the most popular TV show about prison and was executive produced by a Jewish man who attended my college university in Washington DC. 

The Freedom Of A Christian#2 by Dana Edwards - inspired by a medieval christian pamphlet

After mom managed the Lincoln Center art gallery, she kept several medieval Christian choir manuscripts on animal vellum. I inquired with the bible museum's curator on the Latin translation and was given two very different translations for each page.

The above art was made with several vr manipulation programs from a medieval church pamphlet reading "The Freedom of the Christian". The Metropolitan Museum Of Art recently had a viewing of Pope dressings including many bee hive crowns.

On a recent sitting in an Christian energy church with my Jewish mother, the room switched from a purple star gate into a silver room with a faux government white house. My childhood temple has a red carpet leading up to their star bima but on recent zoom services you can find a different congregation, rabbi and a blue carpet leading up to the star bima. The red carpet is also still there on another channel.

Saint Bernard believed there were many maps he found in purgatory and brought them back for priests and Christians to analyze. He believed in the power of sacred architecture.  


Snow Falling by Dana Edwards - A Portrait of a Young Asian Woman made of AI in an Artificial Environment 

Artificial intelligence has been designing weather warfare and landscaping since world war 2 according to academic research. Asia, America and Europe all did the research. America teaches they won the war with ethics and believes in laws for all citizens over design without law. They believed design without law was like a war or a hell. Since I started an art series with an Ai model I generated, one of my favorite art sites has been hacked. More to come. 

The White Cross by Dana Edwards 

Is it a man, a witch, a squid, a Russian doll, or a bug man? Deep dream experiments are available online for artists to experiment with but what happens when you start mixing your deep dreams and how do these images mirror dream, myth, religion, psychology, government, opera, theater, Hollywood, storybook, news media etc.?  If we aren't the only reality what is the reality inside the deep dream trying to tell us? What is the "American Dream" and who are the young and the old? Perhaps there are whole human races mixing our dreams and making other living dreams of heavens and hells out of our dreams.

Recently I made a pictory of the above paragraph's thinking thought notes and the ai on pictory helped to animate a dream image video with the above words: Deep Dream Pictory

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